Dispute resolution has become a popular way to identify the root cause of a problem and to build a solution strategy – both in and out of the business world. The three resolution processes are facilitation, mediation and arbitration. Because both mediation and arbitration can have legal connotations, it is often a wise step to consider the services of a professional facilitator as a first step. Many issues can be handled by simply having two or more people talk to one another. Facilitation can, in many instances, help drive progress in a project. A facilitator can skilfully guide the discussion so that those with differing viewpoints can be involved in a conversation of mutual respect.
As the facilitator’s we focus on helping the parties collaborate. Sensing how people are feeling and understanding how to respond to a particular situation is a critical skill of BCM Consulting Engineers as facilitators. BCM Consulting Engineers have helped many landowners, businesses, and Local Authorities to reach agreement in relation to land takes, through agreement on work scope, accommodation works, works monitoring, and works quantum.